
New Mama's Must Haves: February '09

Here's my New Mama Must Haves for February 2009. These are baby products I can't live without. So whether you're a new mom, buying off a baby registry for a soon-to-be-mom or just want to give the perfect baby gift - you'll find it here.

Remember you can always find out more about the items and purchase them directly through Amazon.com by clicking on the picture. I only recommend products that I have used. 

The Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe was a life saver for me. As I've talked about in previous posts, my daughter was swaddled until she was five months old. She wouldn't sleep any other way. Finally, I had to bite the bullet and unswaddle her - but only because she no longer fit in her Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe 100% Cotton Knit. Since babies like the feeling of being tight, being swaddled helps them sleep. I recommend this to any new mama who wants her baby to sleep and who wants to get a few hours of shut eye herself!

The Rainforest Bouncer by Fisher-Price is a must have! My daughter has used her Rainforest Bouncy seat since she was a few days old and she's still sitting in it. The bouncy seat is great for babies who suffer from gas too because the vibrating helps clear the air bubbles. I especially like this bouncer because of the variety of ways my daughter can play with it. Now that she's a little older I set it so the music only plays when she hits the hanging toys (toy bar was removed in this picture). This teaches her cause and effect.

You can't imagine how many pictures you're going to take of your baby and how many you're going to want to frame until you bring your little one home. That's why it's essential to have the Kodak EasyShare P720 Digital Picture Frame. This digital picture frame is great! You can easily load digital pictures and videos on it. It lets you decide how long you want each picture to appear and you can even set them to music. I couldn't live without mine! I needed something that was fast and easy to use because I don't have the time or patience to fool with some high-tech digital gadget...it's perfect for a busy new mama. 

This month I want to hear from you! What's you new mama must have? What product can't you live without?

Complete List of New Mama Must Haves
New Mama Must Haves: January '09
New Mama Must Haves: December '08

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